Saturday, August 29, 2015

Session II (Second day)


                                     THE WEB RESEARCH 

The second day’s lesson was on the web research. Under this the three main topics covered for our wisdom were on the use of google scholar, Boolean operators, and the use of search smarter.

The focus here will be on google scholar and the use of search smarter since the Boolean operators had been already discussed and posted earlier. What is google scholar? It is a reliable search tool that indexes the full text of scholarly literature in varying publishing formats. It allows us to search across a wide range of academic literature.  The features of google scholar I retrieved on 25th August present the following:
  •  Search all scholarly literature from one convenient place.
  • Explore related works, citations, authors, and publications.
  •  Locate the complete document through the web.
  •  Keep up with recent developments in any area of research.
The above features clearly tell us that there are many advantages in using google scholar.

The next is --- What is search smarter, search faster? I watched the video tutorial and got some insights on this. When we are working on any research topic, we need to refer to different journal articles. There may be hundreds of articles discussing on the same theme. But each one may have used different key words. We must think of how to search our databases. One idea here is to arrange the search format by grouping similar words from each of the articles.  Then we can connect them by using OR for similar terms and using AND to connect words together to create a search. This will cut down our search time and improve the search results.

In the process there was also clarification on the difference between web browser and search engine. Web browser is like chrome and Mozilla Firefox. They display information. Search engine are like yahoo and google. They retrieve information. Some of the participants were not clear on the difference between search bar and the address bar. Tutor was kind enough to elaborate on this. Address bar can be used when we have the complete address otherwise we make use of the search bar.

Critical Analysis/ future commitment
To be honest, I gained some knowledge on google scholar and search faster. This was possible through three ways. Firstly by attending classes during residential hours. Watching the video tutorial then added to my comprehension. And browsing net for more information broadened my understanding.  I know the difference. I know what they mean. But let me confess here that I may not be in a position to make use of them in my field of study. And the reason is that I need some practical hands on experience. We did not have that opportunity during class hours due to time.

My strong commitment here will be to learn how to make use of them. I know both the tools are important and handy. I will have to have practical learning from the IT teachers. I am lucky that there are enough IT experts in the place where I work. With google scholar we can have access to many of the open literature. It provides access to unique content that are not in other search tools. This is going to make our work easy and also get more information. In the present world, life and work is full of research. Thus knowing the tools would be vital.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Boolean opertors

A brief summary

Boolean operator is a tool to help us search library card catalog on internet faster and with more precision. The most common Boolean operators are AND, OR, and NOT. 
AND narrows or limits search by telling the database that all keywords used must be found in an article. AND search for two or more concepts by combining descriptive key words
Or broadens a search by telling the database that any of the words it connects are acceptable. It is helpful when we are searching for synonyms. I like to share one example from the internet here. For instance, if we type “death penalty” or “capital punishment” the results will include articles with either term.
NOT narrows our search by telling the database to exclude the information we do not want. This is useful when we are interested in a very specific task or information. It is also useful when we want to exclude a certain type of article.

Critical Analysis
I remembered the old famous saying “little knowledge is dangerous". I have no idea of any of the tools. I was actually taking a lot of time in getting information. In order to look for one kind of information on the net, I get thousands of results. I just keep on clicking one after another and at the end I land up getting so many stuff. Many of the stuff are usually unwanted and unnecessary. This wasted my time and resources. It took me so long to sort things out. Simple tool like Boolean operators makes the work easy and efficient. It saves time because we can look for things we want using this tool quite fast.

Future Commitment
The new knowledge on the use of the above tool will assist me henceforth. I may not waste my time and the resources which are precious. Using AND, OR, and NOT will guide my search on the web. I can also guide our colleagues because I know many do not have this idea. Thanks for the new idea!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Desires are really unlimited!!! They have no boundaries, no limits and no ends. They go on and on and on. Papa and mama wanted sons when they have daughters. Your neighbor complains of having only girls in her luck because she desperately needed a son. Your friends come up with a conversation topic …. Why do I have only sons……Why do I have only daughters!!!  Some even go up to blaming god….. Why are you not granting me mixed children?

And I sit back on my couch thinking so hard. Why are people not happy with what they have? I tell my close people to appreciate life. Everything is precious. I have two daughters but no sons. That doesn’t bother me in any way. I have my girls, perfect.  I love them. I value them. I feel for them. I do not wish for other substitute. They are the best!!!  At least for mummy.

I call them my ANGLES because they run my life.  I breathe because of them. I live because of them. They do have unique characters. Azhim is different from the younger one.  Very confident in things she does. She cares her sister like any other precious elder siblings on earth.

Chungku is bit pampered. This is because she remains an apple of her mom’s eyes. She knows how to handle mom’s emotions. I like that. I will make a note here that I do not miss sons. My girls give me everything needed in life!!!

An SBIP ...A new experience

My English HOD came smiling during one of my free periods.  “Madam, you are selected as one of the members to attend tomorrow’s SBIP.  The chances are all given to the seniors. It is an important one and you are requested not to miss it.”  Tomorrow was then 1st August. I was more than excited by the way my HOD expressed it.  Later I came to know that the SBIP was on GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION.

The arrangement aroused my curiosity and I liked it. The groups were divided and visibly pasted on the door. We were not allowed to enter the room unless the permission was granted. I browsed my members. Yes, there were six of us. A wise and a good distribution –teacher, office assistant, student….different background.  

Once inside, I read a card on our table loud enough. It read ….PEACE. This added another joy and excitement. The facilitators were more confident. They really worked hard and the planning well done. Thumps up for that!!!

The SBIP began with the introduction. It wasn’t a normal introduction. There was a purpose and with it some values attached.  The core values of global citizenship were neatly hung in front. The person introducing must choose one of them and have reasons to explain.  Principal started his introduction followed by others. Many preferred LOVE but everyone had different reasons.

The turn came to PEACE group. Time was precious so all did not get the opportunity. We chose madam Deki. She stood and walked in front with full confidence. We were wondering about her choice. Inside I was guessing she would go with LOVE. But NO!!! She chose HONESTY.
The reasons threw me to the air. I appreciated it….VERY MUCH. It was really analyzed and critically thought.  

She explained, “I am going with HONESTY. I have my own reasons unlike yours. The TRUTH, the LOVE, the PEACE, the NON-VOILENCE---They are all conditional. If it favors you will follow it. If it doesn’t there will be hatred in place of love, lies in place of truth, and violence in place of non-violence. But HONESTY is unconditional. It doesn’t matter in what state you are, it will be there with oneself. So, I choose HONESTY.”  I was more happy for the reasons she explained. It took me to another level of thinking. Human BRAINS are a real magic. You can think of what others can’t. And all I could do was just appreciate it!!!